Yiğit Süoğlu Experience

Software Developer, AIXEMTEC GmbH Herzogenrath, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

My tasks are:

  • Programming, commissioning and testing of process modules (Python, C++, FPGA or similar) such as image processing routines
  • Development and implementation of concepts for high-performance process modules with hardware-related programming (C++ or similar) and hardware support (FPGA or similar)
  • Selection of suitable hardware configurations for high-performance signal processing and actuator control as well as their integration into existing machine architectures
  • Basic work for future topics such as artificial intelligence in the context of machine control systems
  • Independent recording and documentation of requirements for high-performance and automated process control with internal and external customers
  • Support in customer support and troubleshooting

Jan 2024 - Present
Intern, AIXEMTEC GmbH Herzogenrath, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I worked in two projects. First one is hardware acceleration for image processing. Mainly worked with Kria SoC. Second project was a machine project for an EOL testing machine. I work on image processing with Python as well as assisted project engineer and project manager with some tasks.

Jun - Dec 2023
Master Thesis Student, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Chair of Integrated Digital Systems and Circuit design.
Thesis title: Data Management for FPGA Compute Clusters Targeting Biological Neural Network Simulations

December 2022 - May 2023
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Chair of Integrated Digital Systems and Circuit design. I worked on a project on the accelerated simulation of biological neural networks. My tasks were the design and implementation of hardware modules/IPs on FPGA; and MicroBlaze firmware and host software development.

November 2020 - November 2022
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey

for ENS 203, Electronic Circuits at Fall Term.
I supervised exams, graded homework and prepared a solution manual for a homework.

September 2017 - January 2018
Summer Intern, Mikroelektronik (MKR-IC) Istanbul, Turkey

During my internship at Mikroelektronik, I worked on:

  • A symmetrical operational transconductance amplifier
  • A bandgap reference circuit that provides 1.158 V reference with 10.24 ppm/C variation between -40 C and 125 C.
  • A fully differential folded cascode operational transconductance amplifier with common mode feedback circuit, that produce stable open loop gain (around 103 dB with +/- 1.5 dB variance) between -40 C and 125 C.
These integrated circuits designed using XFAB's 0.18µ process, XH018. And uses 1.8 V supply voltage.

August - September 2017
Summer Intern, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM UEKAE Gebze, Turkey

National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology
I worked on a driver IP core for Digilent pmod AD5.

July - August 2017
Summer Intern, İTÜ GSTL Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Technical University Embedded System Design Laboratory
I worked on image processing with Zedboard. I designed simple IPs for the ARM processor on Zedboard and programmed the processor.

June - July 2017
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey

for CS 303, Logic and Digital System Design at Fall Term.
I held weekly office hours, supervised exams and lab sections.

October 2016 - January 2017
Summer Intern, AirTies Wireless Networks Istanbul, Turkey

SummerSeed 2016 programme,
First two week was devoted to linux development and data networks. During last two weeks we worked on a project of mine.
For more information click here.

June - July 2017
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey

for CS 201, Introduction to Computing (C++) at Summer Term
I held weekly office hours and helped students learn coding.

July - August 2015